Aldo New Roman
(1000+ glyphs, incl. medieval Latin, Cyrillic, some Greek, ornaments, small capitals, nut fractions...)
Renaissance antiqua · Venetian types · Venetian serif · Humanist serif · Old style antiqua
A modern version of the typeface cut by Francesco Griffo for Venetian printer Aldus Manutius around 1490 AD.
Intentionally not the original Griffo / Aldus / Bembo — but the part of the large project on revival and further development (by drawing many additional glyphs, sometimes over 1000) of the 20th century’s typewriters’ fonts.
Triple pun here :: ::
#1 Aldine Roman type;
#2 Since it is equalized, modernized version — the parallel to the Times New Roman;
#3 He called himself Aldus Pius Manutius Romanus — he was a new Roman during his Renaissance times.